I’ve occasionally written essays about music, sexuality and spirituality. Everything is everything, so here are links to my published pieces available online.
In 2010 and 2011 I wrote album reviews for Popmatters, which you can find here. I also briefly wrote for Relevant after that, but those pieces seem to be lost to the internet. Here’s a short piece by my friend Eve on female artists that quotes me a bunch LOL
In a past life I blogged about queer sexuality to a primarily conservative Christian audience, and after a long break I’ve recently started to revisit these topics. Content warnings apply for spiritual abuse, religious trauma, mental illness, suicide and homophobia. Here’s an article that quotes some of my work and gives context for the time period. Two of my longer blog posts made some waves within that small subculture, and while I’ve since taken down the blog itself, I’ve archived those two posts here. Most recently, I wrote about my experience of spiritual abuse within the ACNA, a small Anglican denomination.